5 Facts About Millennials in the Workplace

Supervisors and HR leaders often express concerns regarding younger employees, particularly Millennials, in the workplace.

However, much of this frustration stems from stereotypes, partial truths, and myths about Millennials rather than actual facts.

Our book, “What Millennials Want From Work,” provides a comprehensive view of Millennials in the workplace, based on survey data from over 25,000 Millennials across 22 countries and more than 300 organizations, along with input from 29,000 individuals from other generations within the same organizations.

According to the book, creating an environment where Millennials can be both content and productive is achievable by focusing on what truly matters to them.

HR leaders, executives, and managers overseeing multigenerational teams can benefit from considering these findings and recommendations to better attract and retain Millennials in the workplace:

1. Millennials in the Workplace Seek Autonomy and Diligence

   – Millennials desire autonomy and opportunities to contribute their ideas. They shy away from monotonous tasks and prioritize maintaining a work-life balance. Despite being labeled as entitled, Millennials are hardworking and dedicated, often working extended hours and seeking advancement within the organization.

2. Millennials in the Workplace Value Support and Independence

   – While Millennials appreciate support, feedback, and recognition, they are not overly dependent. They strategically seek what they need to succeed and value independence in their work. Providing regular feedback, mentorship, and autonomy fosters their growth and engagement.

3. Millennials in the Workplace Aim for Social Impact and Professional Success

   – Millennials aspire to make a positive impact on society through their work, but they also prioritize personal and professional growth. Emphasizing corporate social responsibility, transparent communication about the company’s impact, and fair compensation are crucial for retaining Millennials.

4. Millennials in the Workplace Embrace Technology and Human Connection

   – Comfortable with technology, Millennials appreciate its role in streamlining tasks. However, they also value human connection and a sense of community at work. Leveraging their tech-savvy nature and promoting interpersonal communication enhances their engagement and satisfaction.

5. Millennials in the Workplace Demonstrate Commitment but Consider Alternatives

   – While many Millennials are committed to their current roles and seek advancement, a significant portion is open to exploring other opportunities. Providing development opportunities, compelling reasons to stay, and addressing work-life balance issues are key to retaining them.

Ultimately, Millennials share common desires with other generations in the workplace: engaging work, supportive colleagues, fair compensation, and time for personal pursuits.

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