Month: July 2024

7 Major Gen Z Trends for 2024


Gen Z is the largest generation in American history, currently making up 27% of the population in the US. Born between 1997 and 2012, Gen Z individuals are now between 11 and 26 years old. Many are entering the workforce and gaining more purchasing power. How is this generation impacting the world? Here are seven ….  Read More

Starting a Small Business as a Gen Z Entrepreneur


People from every generation look at the next with a mix of skepticism, criticism, admiration, and confusion. This is a natural reaction and not surprising. The experiences that shape each generation are influential and distinct, affecting their attitudes and behaviors. These generational expectations and approaches are evident in work and career choices. For example, Baby ….  Read More

Understanding Gen Z and Their Impact on the Workplace


Who is Gen Z? For those still debating whether millennials have changed the business world, it’s important to recognize that another distinct generational group is now entering the workforce in large numbers. Enter “Generation Z,” poised to change recruiting, training, managing, and mentoring in the business world. Impact on the Workplace With Generation Z entering ….  Read More

What Do Millennials Seek in a Modern Leader?


Millennials are the largest generation in today’s workforce, bringing with them expectations and values that differ significantly from traditional office culture. They challenge conventional leadership styles and seek communication, relationship-building, and empowerment in their work lives. To lead a workforce full of millennials successfully, it is essential to understand their desires, needs, and expectations. We’ll ….  Read More